A persons journey of quitting smoking, a tough but rewarding process marked by cravings, weight gain, and newfound health. Overcoming deep-set habits, they emerge feeling healthier, with sharper senses and a sense of freedom from nicotine, encouraging others to take the leap.
I'm not a fan of dashboards. Often, I find them cluttered, unnecessary, and confusing. But Homepage is different. After a day or two of tinkering, I've fallen in love with it.
I've been in possession of a CIDOO ABM066 ergonomic Alice layout keyboard for a few months now.
During this time, the ABM066 has left a considerable impression, though not necessarily a positive one.
From succumbing to peer pressure at 11, my journey with smoking began. Despite trying vaping as an alternative, health issues persisted. A brief tale of mistakes, parental support, and ultimately, personal triumph.